Sunday, April 19, 2009

DrSaidi Arrives in Fiji

Bula From Savu Savu Island In Fiji.
Bula is a greeting which means hello, how's the weather and many other things.
I arrived here in Fiji greeted by Fijians waving their hands and smiling ( some missing their front teeth). Fijians are " tirelessly friendly". They have a calm, joyous spirit!
The water is clear blue and warm , the fish are bright colors and there are coral reefs as far as the eye can see. The snorkeling is amazing here. I could have stayed out all day. We then ventured in to downtown Savu Savu. We chartered a boat and found a sand bar out in the middle of the ocean. We jumped off the boat and swam to it. There were millions of shells , coral and other bits of sea life I did not recognize. It was a a very magic moment standing on this small island looking out at the miles and miles of ocean. The saw a double rainbow from the boat on the way back as well as a beautiful sunset.
Vinaka Vaka Levu (Good Bye),


1 comment:

  1. Hoooray for Fiji!!! LOVE IT and can't wait for more updates!
